Made for Dungeon Crawler Jam 2023! Was not thoroughly playtested, so I hope it's not too buggy or too hard!


As a damned soul you've gotten the chance to make a break out of the afterlife, and that means fighting through all the wardens.

Unfortunately demons happen to be quite good at rending souls, and running around naked isn't a great idea.

Turns out, you weren't the first to try and there are heaps of bodies lying around in the dark palaces of Hell. If they're not going to use it, why don't you take a chance?

Demons happen to be quite good at slicing through bodies as well, but it hurts less than getting your soul rended. Trust me.


  • W, A, S, D - Standard Movement Controls
  • Q, E - Turn Left and Turn Right
  • Tab - Open Inventory
  • Enter - Confirm
  • Ctrl - Attack
  • Space - Unequip body
  • Escape - Pause

Main Mechanics

As a fragile soul fresh from limbo, you are quite vulnerable to attacks from demons. However, with the bodies of failed attempts before you, you can use their shells to protect yourself against demons.

Unfortunately using mortal shells weakens your spiritual energies and makes you less effective at things that you are certain to find out.

Of course, it's your choice if you want to go back to limbo. I don't suggest you think too hard about the trade-offs if you want to live.

The palaces of the underworld are quite dark and frightening, and I suggest you look carefully for anything you can do. It's not like escape was intended to be much of an option in the first place. Use your mind's eye, and see what you can uncover.

Enemy Cast


The lowest peons of the underworld. You might find these guys in packs, although individually they aren't much to talk about.

Lesser Demon

Big enough in the pecking order to be demons, but not enough to get special names. These guys won't go down by traditional human weaponry you might scrounge up, although you can kill these guys with your spirit form.

Maybe someone left behind a magical weapon if you want to look for it?

Dark Knight

If any demon made it long enough to become a Dark Knight, they're probably not worth f**king with. If you really wanna die, that's your prerogative.

I suggest running for the hills, they're not great at playing tag.

If you really insist on fighting them, you've gotten stun them first before you can batter their souls back into the abyss.


Unfortunately if you're playing The Escapists in Hell chances are you're about to run into one of the wardens.

Good luck I guess.

Asset Credits

bfxr/sfxr - Some sound effect generatino - Door image

"Shadowlands 5 - Antechamber" Kevin MacLeod (

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

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